Welcome My Dear Friends!

I am so happy to have you all as members of our Friendly Architecture Group.

I have lots of expectations and wishes for the future.
With all of you we can really make it BIG!,
a wonderful and enriched experience,
a style of life,
a source of learning new things,
a place to grow as a person and as a professional.

Welcome again and hope to see you all during the next meeting!

Thanks for being part of it !!!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Our Wonderful Second Meeting

Thank you Dear Friends!

It was a wonderful meeting today... it was nice to know more about all of you!
I think that we are ready to jump into this fantastic experience!

The meeting today was very personal, we got to talk about our past and how did we get to the point where we are now, about some professional experience and also to express our expectations of the group.

It seems like everybody is leaning towards the same direction and all of us are interested in having a social place where we can share experiences, knowledge and interests related to architecture. We all want to grow and learn more but at the same time need the incentive and the time which makes this group a very special “space” where to do so.

All of us are family oriented and our lives turned into a “before and after the kids”… and our personal/professional space was partially postponed. And here we are now, getting together to re-establish our connection.

We talked about the need of a “meeting structure” to organize our ONE HOUR meeting. I will be posting it in the blog as well as the optional days for the June meeting (since we will be already during vacation time with kids at home J)

I will be also sending the “permission” to post articles/ questions/comments/ or ideas in the blog, and if you need any assistance please feel free to contact me to help you to follow the process.

We will have an open list of topics or subjects for everybody to enrich which could include:
Architectural styles, Architectural Theories, Architect Work, specific building, as well as any topic related to design or processes associated to it.
Even if the direction of this learning process is very open, we will be “designing” the connection between subjects to have a wealthy twist.

As a first topic we agreed in EICHLER HOMES, which in the 1950’s marked a phase in the Architecture of the Bay Area.
I uploaded a Wikipedia article about it, but please feel free to look for the information that motivates you to learn about this type of designs and think what aspects you would like to share with the group. We will have a free open conversation about the different points of view, and concepts of this subject, with the main intention of expressing your opinion which could easily differ from others.

Viviana was here the first meeting and we are still expecting to introduce Mariela and Maria to the group.
We believe that the group will be rotating members each time… but I still hope we can all 7 get together soon.

Thanks again! It was really nice to chat with all of you!

1 comment:

  1. Hola Laura!
    Mariela me hablo de las reuniones y me parece una idea fantastica, me encantaria participar!
